About Uganda

Uganda is located in central, eastern Africa.  As a landlocked country, it is surrounded by Sudan, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania.  Uganda is home to Lake Victoria, which is the largest tropical lake in the world and the source of the Nile River.  Uganda averages a relatively high altitude of about 3500 ft, much higher than my usual sea level.  The climate can vary regional, but for the most part, it's tropical with highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s.  Anywhere near Lake Victoria has rain mostly year round, whereas the north can be prone to droughts.

Uganda is comprised of many different ethnic groups, the largest being the Baganda, followed by the Iteso and Banyankore.  Luganda is the language of the Baganda, and most people will be able to speak or understand it.  

For the first half of the 20th century, Uganda was a colony of Britain, therefore one of the official languages is English.  Without a fight, Uganda gained its independence in 1962.  Milton Obete became the prime minister and was eventually overthrown by Idi Amin in 1971.  For those of you that don't know or haven't seen The King of Scotland, Idi Amin was a horrible and vicious dictator that tore apart the country and is responsible for over 300,000 deaths.  After the civil war in the 1980s, Uganda became a democratic republic.  Yoweri Katuga Museveni has been in power since 1986.  Due to its fertile soil and well watered lands, agriculture is the largest sector of the economy, with an emphasis on exports.

The Ugandan National Flag
The bird featured on this flag is the Crested Crane, the national bird
The black represents the people, the yellow represents the sun and the red represents the blood shed for freedom.

Quick Stats and Fun Facts:
  • Population: 33,398,682
  • Number one population growth rate in the world.  Expected population in 2050: 103 million
  • 50% of population is under 14 years old
  • Life expectancy: 53 years old
  • Uganda is slightly smaller than Oregon
  • Capital: Kampala
  • Exchange Rate: 2,800 Ugandan Shillings to $1
  • Largest export: Coffee, tea, sugar cane, cotton, tobacco
  • Literacy: 67%
  • HIV/AIDS prevalence: 5.4%
  • Religions: Roman Catholic (about 40%), Protestant (about 40%), Muslim (12%)
  • 56 languages are spoken- Peace Corps Uganda trains their volunteers in more languages than any other Peace Corps country
  • Home to the mountain gorilla, found only in Uganda and Rwanda
  • Uganda has both Universal Primary and Secondary Education
  • Lonely Planet named Uganda the top tourist location for 2012
  • Winston Churchill called Uganda "The Pearl of Africa"
  • Common foods: corn, millet, sweet potatoes, rice, matooke (cooked bananas)

Information mostly from: 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uganda, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ug.html