Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's Ms. PCV to you

It's official- I'm finally a Peace Corps Volunteer, abbreviated as PCV to those in the biz.  Apart from now addressing your letters to Chelsea Roberts, PCV, does it really make a difference?  YES!  This title may not mean much to you all back home, but believe me, it means so much to all us here.  For the last 10 weeks, we have been constantly referred to as trainees, only to remind us, that no, we're not yet volunteers.  Today marks the day that we've graduated from being a trainee and have earned the title volunteer.  It means we've been officially sworn in by the American ambassador of Uganda, it means we've survived training, it means we're going to our sites to finally start what we came here to do, it means we've been presented to the Ugandan Ministry of Education, it means this is going to be a super short blog post so I can go celebrate my last night with my fellow volunteers.

We move tomorrow to our sites, so I'll update you all soon on life in Butaleja!


  1. Such a history leading up to this moment. CONGRATULATIONS SWEETIE!!! WE ARE SO HAPPY FOR YOU & SO PROUD. We love & miss you.

  2. Woo hoo...Congrats Chels! Love you

  3. Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa. Congratulations Chelsea Roberts, PCV :)
